My blog
Random updates regarding my work and the website!
January 1st, 2024
It's a New Year! And what a time to unveil my own little corner of the world wide web.
This is my first time building a site and there will be additional content to come, but I figured today's a good day to start it all off. It'll be a nice even number at least!
I ushered in the New Year by watching Oppenheimer last night, timing the explosion to go off right at midnight. Didn't work out exactly like that, but it was close enough.
I'm very excited to see how this year will unfold and what it will bring for my ongoing projects. The Blood Priestess is chugging along at a great pace and it's been absolutely nuts seeing the project come to life, after all the years it's been rolling around in my head. Can't wait to show you all more.
Happy 2024, everyone.